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Nice game! Absolutely beautiful art!

Ran into some bugs:
File "game/script.rpy", line 1621, in script
V "I was excited to hear some kind words from a flustered [name]."
Exception: Sayer 'V' is not defined.

And "Image 'AmirAwkward1' not found" at some point near-ish the end, when Amir says "You've been..." 

thank you so much for pointing them out!! those were both just spelling/capitalization errors and yet it took this long to fix and respond.. our bad!! 

they've been fixed, as well as some other things :)!! we appreciate your kind words and SUPER helpful comment!!


o??mg??? omg????? this is so beautiful!! everything is so creative and funny

so sad it ended early TT

Thank you so so much omg!! Also so sorry for such a late reply.
We're so glad you enjoyed the vn (^_^)/ <3 
Hopefully we have time to add more soon! We made the game in the span of 4 days for a jam, but we've always wanted to extend it